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tv   KTVU 6 O Clock News  FOX  February 14, 2013 6:00pm-6:30pm PST

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complete bay area news coverage starts right now, this is ktvu channel 2 news at 6:00 p.m. >> good evening. hello. i am frank somerville. >> and i am julie haener. >> we begin with breaking news
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in the south bay. we have been following over the past hour. san jose police are investigating a shooting that left two people dead near a high school. news chopper 2 was over the scene and ktvu's maureen naylor is on the ground. she will have a live report coming up. first, it is valentine's day and there is a bay area tradition that attracts huge crowds. ktvu's mike mibach is live tonight in san francisco where all the feathers are just about to start flying for the annual pillow fight. mike? >> reporter: the flectors will be flying any second -- flectors will be flying any second. hundreds of -- the feathers will be flying any second. hundreds of people for the pillow fight. as soon as they hear the clock the pillows will be going. a lot of these folks are on hot dates. and there we go. the great van der mars pillow
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fight under-- the great valentine's day pillow fight under way. some cases strangers hitting strangers. friends hitting other friends. just going at it. no organization. i have seen people wearing surgical masks, making sure the feathers don't get in. look at the world record book, i want to make sure we go up to live storm news chopper 2 -- go up to news chopper 2. 30,000 plus was the largest out in england. we got some work to do here in san francisco in order to catch up. i can hear the bell ringing right now on the ferry building. looks like they got a jump. so anxious they are hitting each other right now. >> reporter: how are you
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feeling? >> i got a strategy. take a break and go back in. >> reporter: you just got popped. i don't think i ever ducked during a live shot but i am doing it now. i don't understand how loved ones are hitting loved one. if i started banging my wife in the face i don't think there would be a smile in the house. i think i will stick to the candies and the flowers. we will stay with it throughout the night. a lot of police officers watching it. a lot of fun as well. mike mibach, ktvu channel 2 news. more now on the breaking news in san jose, police are investigating a shooting that left two people dead. ktvu's maureen naylor joins us now with a live look at what is happening. >> reporter: we just arrived 10 minutes ago. here in east san jose. i want to show you where this happened. this is the high school. this shooting happened down the
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street to the right. you can see where the crime scene tape is. police are working. video from news chopper 2 showing what we know is a murder-suicide. police say a man shot and killed a woman today at 4:21 p.m. when they received the call from another person who lived in the house. we know that two people are dead tonight from shooting wounds. i want to bring in jason from san jose police department. what can you tell us about the relationship between the man and woman. >> we found a deceased male and female. it appears to be a domestic violence crime. we are not going to know what the connection between the two is till the investigation takes its course. appears the male shot the female and killed himself. >> reporter: can you tell us -- they were found in the bedroom? >> yeah. there was one other person in the house that heard gunfire. found the two deceased people
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and then we came out and confirmed it. >> reporter: thank you for your time. we are live in east san jose where two people are dead. the high school is closed. this did not effect the school. school was already out when this happened. we will bring you more information as it becomes available. maureen naylor, ktvu channel 2 news. in san jose police say domestic violence homicides increased last year. according to a report, 7 homicides related to domestic violence in 2012 compared to 6 the year before. over all there were 45 homicides last year, up from 2011. in each of the years the number of gang related homicides was 18. hundreds of people spend valentine's day dancing in the streets in san francisco to raise awareness for domestic violence. [ music playing ] >> this flash mob got underway
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30 minutes ago. the group is supporting the one billion rising campaign that uses valentine's day to draw attention to domestic violence. bomb experts say it is unclear if they have uncoverload of the explosives inside a home owned by a man who threatened a state senator. we have live team coverage. >> rob roth is examining the issue that put state senator leland yee at risk. first. >> robert handa live in santa clara where more materials were removed from the house today. robert? >> reporter: well, bomb squad has been cautiously testing and removing the explosive materials and a picture is developing about the suspect and what he kept inside his home a picture neighbors say keep getting more nerve- wracking. >> reporter: the scene was tense today at the home belonging to everett basham.
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san jose police bomb squad members used this trailer to remove five destructive devices today, took them to a site and blew them up, similar to tuesday night. this neighbor said this has the neighborhood shell shocked. >> when we heard the explosion it shocked everyone. >> reporter: how about now? >> yeah. we are still on our edge of our seat. >> reporter: investigators say today's bomb devices were more dangerous. >> unlike what they found earlier, which were incomplete, in the process of being completed and finished, these items were complete and ready to use. >> what plans everett basham had is something investigators are trying to figure out and ever since he videoed the first explosion he had conflicting
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feelings about the neighbor he considered harmless. >> he keeps to himself. but now that things are unfolding we -- we are leery and hoping that things would clear up and go away. >> reporter: right now officers continue to examine today's haul. they have completed 80% of their search but many unknown materials remain inside so they will resume tomorrow morning. live in santa clara, robert handa, ktvu channel 2 news. >> state senator leland yee today discussed the threats made against him. ktvu's rob roth is live in san francisco with that part of the story and the safety measures in place for law enforcements. rob? >> reporter: state senator leland yee may be the latest california legislator to receive threats but he is hardly the first. >> reporter: san francisco state senator leland yee says the e-mail came in january. it said if he didn't back off his gun control legislation he
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would be assassinated. >> when you hear exact procedures as to how someone will carry out an act you take it more seriously. >> the california highway patrol traced the author of the e-mail to everett basham and found destructive devices and illegal chemicals inside his home in santa clara. >> we feel confident we identified the person who sent that e-mail. >> law enforcementlaw enforcement said he too was a target. >> i hope you die. >> reporter: that came after he introduced a bill requiring universal background checks. >> go back to mexico. >> reporter: they received threats after they too proposed
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gun control bills. he briefed legislators as to what they might expect. >> i believe in educating people in terms of the history. >> reporter: security has not been modified since the leland yee incident. >> i think they will have to step up security in the capital. no question about it. >> reporter: leland yee will continue tie fight to pass his legislation, threats or not. reporting live in san francisco, rob roth, ktvu channel 2 news. our coverage continues on you will find more video of the operations that home and listen to more of leland yee's statement. >> we now know more than a dozen employees at the public utilities commission are at the center of an investigation,
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suspected of sharing pornography and gambling. ktvu's eric rasmussen is here now with the other details that make this case more troubling. >> reporter: sources say these were supervisors at the water department and some are suspected of sharing porn and gambling while collecting over time. >> reporter: they are accused of sharing pornographic images and gambling using city computers on over time. sources say the employees under investigation are among the top three. >> i can't comment specifically on any individuals or their classifications. however it is standard practice to take jobs into account when determining the level of discipline. >> reporter: officials started an investigation months ago
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after a whistle blower came forward. while investigators don't believe it was criminal, sending and receiving images and gambling are prohibited. >> important tarealize this is -- to realize this is wrong. >> reporter: he says taxpayers should be concerned about supervisors personal use of city resources, even if it wasn't for something as offensive as pornography. >> other people are looking up to you and taking cues as to what constitutes acceptable behavior. >> reporter: today we reached out to the union, local 38 but haven't received a response. we requested the salaries and all make between 100 and $120,000 a year before over time. they are still on the job but the city could go to the union and start discussing discipline
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tomorrow merchandise eric rasmussen, ktvu channel 2 news -- tomorrow. eric rasmussen, ktvu channel 2 news. police made an arrest yesterday for home burglaries. he committed several home burglaries over the past two months. we spoke with one resident who said he was hit last month. >> we were burglarized a month ago, 1:30 a.m. in the morning. got inside our house. we left the door unlocked. he came in. probably in my brother's room and took his money. >> one of his neighbors has been burglarized four times. he is facing a series of charges. including burglaries and stolen property. police swarmed a high school this morning, what a student wore on campus that led to his arrest. >> and a game that may have led to murder. >> $2. >> what witnesses told us about
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the deadly shooting that shut down a school. >> the debate over drones in one bay area county today. when i take a picture of this check, it goes straight to the bank. oh. oh look the lion is out! no mommy no!
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it was merchet as prank but tonight people are saying it was more than a bad idea. ktvu's matt keller is live with the consequence as student faces for running through campus wearing a gas mask and camouflage. matt? >> reporter: frank, all is calm tonight at mountain view high school but earlier today students sparked a big police response because of what he was wearing. >> reporter: 1st period at mountain view high school when teachers said they couldn't leave their classrooms.
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>> everyone was trying to figure out -- no one was telling anyone anything. >> reporter: police received several phone calls after 8:15 a.m. about a person wearing a gas mask and camouflage. officers responded and blocked off the area. police eventually found the person. inside his classroom at mountain view high school. >> i wouldn't say he is a jokester but he likes to push people's buttons. >> reporter: he showed us a post on facebook. attempted to wearing a gas mask and camouflage. funny or weird? he admitted to the prank, had no weapons and never jeopardized students. parents received a call telling them about the incident. >> it is not funny at all. i don't find it funny. >> i think it is irresponsible to do. >> reporter: police say he was
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arrested for causing a disturbance. he could face a fine and 90 days in jail. matt keller, ktvu channel 2 news. neighbors and friends of a teen say he was shot in the back last night possibly killed over a game of dice. deputies combed the campus today looking for evidence from last night's killing. students were told to stay home for the day. trevon foster was shot and killed while playing dice with friends. trevon foster's father is calling for witnesses to come forward. >> the guys that was with him, they know who it is. you know who it is. you were with him playing dice. you know who it is. >> school district leaders say classes will resume tomorrow. deputies haven't released information about suspects. the debate over the use of drones intense physicalled
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today -- intensified today. people against drones at today's hearing said they don't want eyes in the sky spying on the commuter but the sheriff's department said they could be useful in emergency situations. the supervisors did not say whether they approve of the plan. officials say the sheriff's department doesn't need county approval. a judge in san francisco thrown out a lawsuit against net flick. they claim they inflated stock prices. even as the ceo sold millions of dollars of stock. the judge said the plaintiff's failed to show they misled them about accounting, pricing or profitability. stock closed a point higher at $187 a share. state parks officials are not tracking operating costs
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for the 270 parks. they are investigating $54 million in hidden funds uncovered last summer. the money was being hoarded. the audit says the book keeping is so dysfunctional officials have no way of knowing how much they would have saved by closing the parks. warm out there today. couple bay area record highs. 70s. santa rosa 69. oakland, 71. and 69 in hayward. so very warm out there today. temperatures tomorrow like the 73 in san jose will be about the same. same as tomorrow. tomorrow's temperatures will be 60s, seventies. maybe a degree cooler in some places. but it will be splitting hairs. nice day tomorrow. what we had today is what we will have tomorrow. there is the fog. this is the high clouds.
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see this, that is the fog. being pushed off shore by the winds. when you get the winds you know you are getting warming atmosphere and a nice -- nice night. 63 in concord. 63 in san jose. getting dark out there and it is february and we are still in the 60s. mile evening. cold real -- mild evening. cold real fast. and nice day tomorrow. as we head into the bay area weekend, more clouds come in, those clouds break down the ridge of high pressure that has been keeping us dry and bringing us a chance of showers tuesday. much cooler. cool tonight. temperatures over night mid- 30s. low 30s. frost in some areas. whatever you have this morning, you got tomorrow morning. coastal fog returns as well. fog hugs up against the coast
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tomorrow. poor visibilities. the high pressure stays with us, air sinks, warms and goes off shore. that is tomorrow. then it changes. winds come more westerly. highs tomorrow, yellows. those are 70s. that is a lot of 70ss for february. yellow represents areas in the upper 60s and low 70s. nice looking day for friday. highs tomorrow, 68 pittsburg. 68 livermore. 71 san jose, morgan hill. what are you going to do? it is really nice. but we need the rain. fortunately we have a break down with the clouds. things are changing. we will see a return to cool, wet weather as we head into next week. >> spectacular. >> it does not feel like winter. >> couple records: >> thank you. coming up on bay area news
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at 7:00 on tv 36, around the bay area, standing up and dancing to combat domestic violence. an event happening tonight in oakland. >> and a why your -- why your iphone may be vulnerables. join us for these stories and more on bay area news at 7:00 on tv 36. a chance at a college eeducation the new help california could offer and why it won't cost taxpayers a penny. mom, i invited justin over for lunch.
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good. no, not good. he's a vegetarian and he's going to be here in 20 minutes! [ mom ] don't stress. we can figure this out. ♪ [ male announcer ] get the speed to make a great first impression. call today to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. this is delicious. ♪ [ male announcer ] save the day in an instant. at&t. ♪
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. lawmakers in sacramento unveiled a new bill to double the funding to cal grant at no cost to taxpayers. dozens of college students gathered for the announcement. they help low income students. the legislation would give corporate responsers and high income earners an option to donate in a higher education tax credit fund. if approves students could receive $3,000 a year compared to $1,500. news from spring training and the news is not so good for the a's. >> really not.
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coming down the stretch, august, september, a's unbeatable and part of the reason is the guy they pulled out of the bullpen to close out games, perfect, that would be grant balfour but he will be missed as he suffered a torn meniscus. he will undergo surgery, arthroscopic surgery, recovery time 4-6 weeks. he said it wassore and didn't -- it was sore and didn't know how serious it was till spring training started. san francisco giants in action getting ready for the regulars to come in. one of the guys they are expecting, pablo sandoval will be down there. pablo, you will remember for the three home runs in the world series triumph, weight is always an issue and bruce bochy walking the fine line, how do you get on his case for being
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heavy when it works for him? >> this year he has to lose a little bit. he knows it. we talk about it a lot, players use spring training to get in shape. they same into spring training, 6-7 week, and he is one of our exceptions, have to get him in shape. >> mean time check it out. this is the lpga australian open. kangaroos caused a delay down there on the 9th hole, dozens of them took over and they weren't gibbing up the course -- giving up the course. that is something you don't see every day. the tournament will continue on -- >> imagine the phone calls, we were delayed today -- >> kangaroos. everywhere. >> thank you. tonight at 10:00 p.m., a
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ktvu investigation into unlicensed taxis. police bust them for breaking the law and how one ride almost cost a woman her life. >> thank you for trusting ktvu channel 2 news. we are always here for you on and mobile ktvu. thank you for joining us.


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